Occupational Psychologist
Elani Consulting
I am a chartered and registered Occupational Psychologist with twenty years’ experience in the private and public sectors applying psychological principles and practice to assessment and selection, performance management, disability and employment, and public policy making in the health and work arena.
My experience of vocational assessment and rehabilitation includes:
- conducting one-to-one assessment of employed and unemployed individuals (e.g. dyslexia assessments and the interaction between work tasks and health conditions) ;
- providing consultancy to employers to develop a more inclusive workplace through systemic improvements;
- training Jobcentre Plus and Access to Work advisors in enabling people with disability to achieve, and flourish, in work;
- facilitating transition to a new civilian career for wounded, injured and sick Armed Forces personnel;
- supporting Veterans experiencing difficult circumstances (e.g. criminal conviction) to establish a new and rewarding career.
DOP 8 Areas and Stage 2 Curriculum Reviews
Project Manager
October 2012 – January 2017
The initial part of this project reviewed and redesigned the curriculum for the MSc in Occupational Psychology delivered by education providers in the UK. Previous research projects (OP-FIRST 2006, and Expert Panel review 2012) reported compelling evidence to reconsider the structure, content and relevance of the syllabus to the world of work as we know it today. By the end of 2013, a Project Board of dedicated volunteers and other volunteers from the Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) had spent over a year gathering data and consulting key stakeholders to deliver the new curriculum for education providers, in partnership with the accrediting body the British Psychological Society, to implement the new syllabus. The revised curriculum was launched in January 2014 and all education providers have now introduced it (September 2016).
The second part of the project focused on aligning the Stage 2 or ‘Chartership’ standards with the MSc curriculum. The Stage 2 qualification develops psychologists into ‘experts’ in their field of occupational psychology. The new Stage 2 standards build on the revised MSc curriculum; they also better reflect the work of occupational psychology today along with meeting and exceeding the threshold statutory requirements of the Health and Care Professions Council (the regulator of psychologists in the UK).
- Interviews
- Psychology
- Health and work policy
- Project management
- Project planning
- Welfare to work consultant
- Employment assessment
- Policy analysis
- Workshop facilitation
- Training development
- Disability and employment
- Selection and assessment
Statutory and professional affiliations
British Psychological Society
A Chartered member of the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology
Health and Care Professions Council
Registered Practitioner Psychologist with the HCPC since 2009
Voluntary work
London Healthy Workplace Award Verifier
Mayor of London – Healthy Workplace Award
January 2016 – March 2022
If you would like to learn more about the scheme that has replaced the London Healthy Workplace Award visit The Good Work Standard.